Industry Experts Join Panel for Iter Webinar

by Tim Richardson | Iter News

Industry Experts Join Panel for Iter Webinar

Supply Chain Challenges and Opportunities for 2021

On Thursday 21st January GMT Iter are hosting a webinar roundtable on The Supply Chain Challenges and Opportunities for the ‘new normal’

Our panel includes three industry experts:

Ian Dale, Chief Supply Chain Officer at GE Healthcare
Michael Brennan, Director Global Manufacturing – Ostomy at Hollister Incorporated
Martin Woodward, CEO of Brookes, a supply chain solutions company

The webinar will look to get some answers about some key questions, including:

– How has the pandemic changed the importance and status of operations and supply chain and what responsibilities and challenges does this create for us as Supply Chain Leaders?

– How will the structure and resilience of our supply chains need to change and how will this impact on ways and costs of supplying our customers?

– How has technology changed the ways that we plan, manage and execute our supply chains?

The webinar will be hosted by Tim Richardson, Development Director of Iter Consulting.